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【同心抗疫 風雨同路】   

【同心抗疫 風雨同路】

渣打紮根香港超過160年,同香港人一齊經歷過唔少風浪。疫情衝擊下,我哋本住「一心做好,始終如一」嘅精神同各階層並肩作戰、共渡時艱,作出一系列嘅支援: • 推出紓緩措施,包括按揭「還息不還本」、個人客戶支援貸款、豁免部份銀行手續費、中小企業客戶援助及保險額外保障等
• 渣打集團推出5,000萬美元疫情援助基金,當中向社聯捐出1,000萬港元資助居住劏房戶支付租金...
• 渣打香港150週年慈善基金亦捐出港幣300萬予社聯,為10萬個基層家庭提供口罩等防疫用品。
• 透過香港明愛向400位基層兒童捐出手提電腦,幫助學生停課不停學
• 全方位數碼銀行服務,讓客戶可以減少外出,invest from home,bank from home
• 加強各分行防疫措施以保障員工同客戶嘅安全及健康 我哋承諾會推出更多支援及紓緩措施,同香港人攜手向前,一同走出疫境。了解更多相關詳情,可以瀏覽 bit.ly/3eBYbF7 。 借定唔借?還得到先好借!
受條款及細則約束。 【Let’s Fight The Virus Together】
With over 160 years of history in Hong Kong, Standard Chartered has been here for many generations of Hong Kong people through highs and lows. Against the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue our ‘Here for good’ spirit and stand by each other in times of adversity. To support our community, we have introduced these series of measures: • Relief measures including mortgage principal moratorium, relief loan for personal clients, fee waiver of selected banking services, enhanced supports to the SMEs and additional insurance protection
• Standard Chartered Group has launched US$50M COVID-19 Assistance Global Fund and donated HKD$10M through the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to families living in subdivided units as rental subsidy
• Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation donated HK$3M to HKCSS to purchase epidemic prevention supplies for 100,000 underprivileged families and individuals
• Laptop donation through Caritas-Hong Kong to 400 underprivileged children to facilitate their continuous learning from home during school suspension
• Comprehensive digital banking platforms to enable clients to invest from home, bank from home
• Precautionary measures in our branches to safeguard the health and safety of our clients and employees We will continue to be here for you in whatever circumstances, for both our clients and our community. Please visit bit.ly/34WAUJn to stay updated on our latest measures and arrangements of the situation. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
Terms and conditions apply. #齊心抗疫 #身體健康
#InvestFromHome #BankFromHome #HereForGood #StandardCharteredHK 展开