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突如其來嘅疫症影響無數人嘅生計,面對失業或開工不足帶嚟嘅經濟壓力,劏房戶係受打擊最嚴重嘅其中一群。唔少家庭喺疫情期間手停口停,難以負擔生活開支。 渣打將透過香港社會服務聯會捐助1,000萬港元,資助2,000個居住劏房嘅合資格家庭支付租金,每戶將獲得一筆過5,000港元即時資助,以解燃眉之急。社聯將於稍後透過15個參與計劃嘅非牟利機構公布詳情,合資格申請人可於4月23日起向相關機構直接申請。... 今次捐贈計劃為渣打集團「全球5,000萬美元疫情援助基金」嘅其中一個項目。想知更多詳情,可以瀏覽 bit.ly/3eAzY1N 【Donating HK$10 million to underprivileged families through HKCSS】
Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many low-income households living in subdivided units have been profoundly affected, as widespread unemployment and pay cuts have gripped the city. With little to no work coming in, even covering basic living costs has become impossible. To show our support, Standard Chartered is donating HK$10 million through the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to 2,000 families living in subdivided units, with each eligible family receiving an onetime payment of HK$5,000. HKCSS will provide details through the 15 NGO units participating in this programme, with the application process starting on April 23. The donation is, in fact, part of Standard Chartered Group's US$50 million COVID-19 assistance fund. To learn more, click here: bit.ly/2RQZo1s #齊心抗疫 #身體健康 #HereForGood #StandardCharteredHK 展开