估唔到當年喺英格蘭令人聞風喪膽嘅入球機器魯殊,都會有緊張腼腆嘅時刻。唔怪之得啦,對面坐住嘅原來係對自己有提拔之恩嘅紅軍領隊披士利……就聽聽當年有咩趣事,令魯殊有個咁嘅表情! Liverpool FC’s highest goal scorer Ian Rush never imagined he would have a conversation with Bob Paisley in 2020. Watch them reminisce over a cuppa here.
[Part 5 of 5] Follow the journey at www.StandRed.com... #師徒重遇 #傳奇領隊 #YNWA #LiverpoolFC #StandardCharteredHK 展开
估唔到當年喺英格蘭令人聞風喪膽嘅入球機器魯殊,都會有緊張腼腆嘅時刻。唔怪之得啦,對面坐住嘅原來係對自己有提拔之恩嘅紅軍領隊披士利……就聽聽當年有咩趣事,令魯殊有個咁嘅表情! Liverpool FC’s highest goal scorer Ian Rush never imagined he would have a conversation with Bob Paisley in 2020. Watch them reminisce over a cuppa here.
[Part 5 of 5] Follow the journey at www.StandRed.com... #師徒重遇 #傳奇領隊 #YNWA #LiverpoolFC #StandardCharteredHK 展开