聲音、畫面,都冇問題!為咗令紅軍傳奇領隊披士利最傳神一面得以重現,渣打技術團隊利用尖端科技及人工智能,仔細模擬出佢嘅聲線、輪廓及表情,就連佢屋企人睇完都覺得栩栩如生。呢個就係科技嘅力量。 We believe technology should enable human connections, watch the Family of Liverpool FC's most successful manager Bob Paisley in awe at technology that brings him to Anfield in 2019.
[Part 1 of 5] To follow the journey go to StandRed.com... #傳奇領隊 #披利士 #YNWA #LiverpoolFC #StandardCharteredHK 展开
聲音、畫面,都冇問題!為咗令紅軍傳奇領隊披士利最傳神一面得以重現,渣打技術團隊利用尖端科技及人工智能,仔細模擬出佢嘅聲線、輪廓及表情,就連佢屋企人睇完都覺得栩栩如生。呢個就係科技嘅力量。 We believe technology should enable human connections, watch the Family of Liverpool FC's most successful manager Bob Paisley in awe at technology that brings him to Anfield in 2019.
[Part 1 of 5] To follow the journey go to StandRed.com... #傳奇領隊 #披利士 #YNWA #LiverpoolFC #StandardCharteredHK 展开