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【把握機遇 擴闊視野】   

【把握機遇 擴闊視野】

如果你係2019 – 2021年大學/大專院校畢業生,千祈唔好錯過我哋現正推出嘅大灣區工作機會。 喺為期18個月嘅在職培訓入面,不但讓你獲取工作經驗、擴闊人際網絡,同時更了解香港同大灣區城市嘅最新發展,並把握大灣區嘅事業發展機遇。你仲有機會喺我哋唔同嘅部門工作,包括Financial Markets,Corporate & Commercial Banking同Retail Banking,由前線營運到後勤支援嘅工作經驗都有機會接觸到。你仲可以同我哋創科部門嘅專業開發團隊一齊研發銀行系統,甚至同大灣區CEO一齊推動業務策劃!... 係咪好吸引呢?即上 bit.ly/2Quw8zA 報名申請。 【Expand Your Horizon With New Opportunities】
We are now offering 2019 - 2021 graduates an opportunity to pursue a career in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area ("GBA”). During your 18-Month placement, not only will you gain practical work experience while expanding your professional network, you will also get to understand the latest developments of both Hong Kong and other GBA cities, leveraging opportunities to advance your career. The placement will include experiences that range from supporting our FM Sales in the dealing room, designing banking applications with our Technology & Innovation team, to even working closely with the GBA CEO on business strategies! Apply now: bit.ly/2Quw8zA #Recruitment #HereforGood #StandardCharteredHK 展开