又一城 >   柏斯音樂     >


鑑於最近新型冠狀病毒疫情嚴重,人口稠密地方容易被受感染,為保障所有學生丶家長及導師的健康安全,由即日起所有班制課程《音樂班制、舞蹈班制及美術班制。》將會暫停至2020年2月16日,並於2月17日復課,分校職員稍後會陸續通知受影響之導師丶學生及家長有關補課安排,個別課程將不受影響並正常上課,敬請留意。 此外衛生防護中心已加強香港衛生措施,本公司亦實施了一系列預防措施,門市及課室已加強清潔及消毒。謹此呼籲,老師及學生進入分校時必須消毒雙手。本公司有消毒潔手液等預防物品提供,如有需要可向職員查詢。在此祝各位身體健康、心想事成! In consideration of the serious situation of novel coronavirus spreading over different countries and the high risk of infection in crowded population, in sake of the health of students, parents and tutors,... all group classes (music group, dance and art classes) shall be suspended until 16 Feb 2020 and resumed on 17 Feb 2020. Please note that all our staff will contact affected parties for reschedule of lessons. All individual classes are not affected and resumed. As for enforcement of the health measures by Centre of Health Protection of HKSAR, we have launched a series of health protection policies. All branches and classrooms are cleaned and disinfected thoroughly. Tutors and students shall wash their hands before entering to the classrooms. Hands disinfectant is also provided in all our branches and please contact us if necessary. We would like to wish you stay healthy and happy ! 展开