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【Maxim Mogilevsky 馬克西姆・尤金・莫基列夫斯基鋼琴獨奏會取消事宜】 因應最近香港發生的公眾活動,各區交通受到影響。   

【Maxim Mogilevsky 馬克西姆・尤金・莫基列夫斯基鋼琴獨奏會取消事宜】 因應最近香港發生的公眾活動,各區交通受到影響。原定於27/10/2019 (日)晚上8時假香港大會堂音樂廳舉行的Maxim Mogilevsky 馬克西姆・尤金・莫基列夫斯基鋼琴獨奏會將會取消,已購買門票者,請保留完整門票,於15/11/2019或之前辦理退票手續。不便之處,敬請原諒。 查詢電話:2774 9133...

香港音樂導師同盟啟 【Cancelled the Piano Concert by Maxim Mogilevsky】 Due to the mass public events and the public transport is affected recently, the piano concert by Maxim Mogilevsky at 8pm, 27 Oct 2019 in the Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall will be cancelled. For those who bought the tickets, please keep the original ticket intact for the refund on or before 15 Nov 2019. For any enquiries, please feel free to contact 2774 9133. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Hong Kong Music Tutors Union 展开