農曆新年踏入倒數階段,您準備好為親朋好友送上佳節祝福嗎?趁着年廿九,一起以新春牛年系列,迎接更好的新一年來臨吧!🐮 #香港星巴克
#新春牛年系列... The countdown has begun: it is almost Chinese New Year! Let's welcome a prosperous Year of the Ox and send your blessings to friends and families with the auspicious Starbucks Chinese New Year of the Ox Collection. 🐮 #StarbucksHK
#ChineseNewYearoftheOxCollection 展开
#新春牛年系列... The countdown has begun: it is almost Chinese New Year! Let's welcome a prosperous Year of the Ox and send your blessings to friends and families with the auspicious Starbucks Chinese New Year of the Ox Collection. 🐮 #StarbucksHK
#ChineseNewYearoftheOxCollection 展开