於12月11日至13日期間,只要在星巴克店內消費,即可獲得星巴克熊祝福貼紙*。快把這些可愛的星巴克熊帶回家!🧸 *數量有限,送完即止... #香港星巴克
#星巴克熊 Santa Bearista has prepared a Christmas gift for you!
From December 11 to 13, customers will receive a Bearista greeting sticker* when they make a purchase at the stores. Come and bring bearista and all the heart-warming blessing home! *Available while stocks last. #StarbucksHK
#Bearista 展开
於12月11日至13日期間,只要在星巴克店內消費,即可獲得星巴克熊祝福貼紙*。快把這些可愛的星巴克熊帶回家!🧸 *數量有限,送完即止... #香港星巴克
#星巴克熊 Santa Bearista has prepared a Christmas gift for you!
From December 11 to 13, customers will receive a Bearista greeting sticker* when they make a purchase at the stores. Come and bring bearista and all the heart-warming blessing home! *Available while stocks last. #StarbucksHK
#Bearista 展开