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【 #最後召集 加入Impact Kommons 初創展現無限可能】 正所謂:「萬事俱備,只欠東風」。   

【 #最後召集 加入Impact Kommons 初創展現無限可能】 正所謂:「萬事俱備,只欠東風」。DBS相信,初創企業不乏創新諗頭,缺嘅只係各方推動!因此我哋同新世界集團旗下 Eureka Nova 再次合作,全力支持初創加速計劃 Impact Kommons,協助初創以創新科技發掘商機,推動社會可持續發展,攜手 #展出大意義 。 計劃Cohort 2仲有一星期就截止報名,如果你嘅企業都想同我哋一齊實踐社會使命,記得把握最後機會報名!... 截止日期:10月19日

報名及詳情: 【#LastCall Join Impact Kommons for more great opportunities】 DBS believes that ecosystem catalysts are crucial for start-ups to develop their innovative ideas for greater social impacts. That’s why we have joined forces with the accelerator programme Impact Kommons (powered by Eureka Nova, a New World Group member) to provide opportunities for start-ups to pilot and commercialize their technologies, and drive
sustainability impact value together. Application will be closed within this week, act fast and apply now! Application deadline: 19 Oct
Apply now: #DBS
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