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【#星展基金會 協助社企發光發亮】   

【#星展基金會 協助社企發光發亮】

星展基金會致力支持社企發展,以下3間過往獲獎嘅 #本地社企 都成功拓展業務,創造更大嘅社會效益: Boaz International Education Institute 致力協助有特殊學習困難的學生,尤其讀寫障礙,促進他們自主學習及肯定自我價值。
WEDO GLOBAL 提倡多元文化,培訓少數族裔人士成為文化大使,促進社會共融。...
Eco-Greenergy 綠行俠 提供簡易、實用及可持續嘅環保方案,讓人人輕鬆實踐環保。 如果你嘅 #社企 都一樣,希望運用 #創新點子 為社會帶嚟正面影響,立即申請星展基金會「 #社會企業獎助金計畫 」,有機會獲得高達25萬新加坡元(約130萬港元)嘅 #獎助金 ,讓社企 #創夢成真 !不論行業,只要你嘅社企有創新點子都歡迎申請,一齊實踐社會使命! 詳情:
立即申請: [Together for a better world]
DBS Foundation has been committed to support the development of social enterprises. The following three grant awardees have successfully expanded their business and created greater social impacts. #BoazEducation creates programs to assist students with specific learning difficulties especially dyslexia, to learn independently and build self-value.
#WEDOGlobal designs multi-cultural experiential programs and empowers ethnic minorities with job opportunities to promote social inclusion.
#EcoGreenergy offers simple and sustainable solutions, customers can go green easily Like the above social enterprises, does your social enterprise have an innovative solution to scale up for good? Apply for the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise Grant now, grant awardees can receive up to S$250,000 (approx. HKD 1.3 million)! We’d love to hear your story! Lean more: Apply now: #DBSFoundation
#Changemakers See more