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【 #社會企業發展基金 助你實踐社會使命】 星展基金會支持嘅雲耕一族 Rooftop Republic Urban Farming ,   

【 #社會企業發展基金 助你實踐社會使命】 星展基金會支持嘅雲耕一族 Rooftop Republic Urban Farming ,推動 #都市耕作 ,鼓勵消費者「 #自己食物自己種 」~透過認識 #食物來源 同本地生產,建構 #可持續發展 嘅糧食系統! 不論你嘅 #社企 屬於邊個行業,如果你同 #雲耕一族 一樣,希望以新點子創造更大社會效益,立即申請「社會企業發展基金 」,獎助金高達25萬新加坡元(約130萬港元),令社企繼續拓展,一齊實踐 #社會使命 !... 詳情:festivalwalk

立即申請: [DBS Foundation Grant #ScaleUpForGood]
Supported by the DBS Foundation, Rooftop Republic has been promoting urban farming, and encouraging city-dwellers to grow their own food. Through equipping people with knowledge on their food sources and local food production, this social enterprise aims at building a more sustainable food system. Like Rooftop Republic, does your social enterprise have an innovative solution to scale up for good? Apply for the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise Grant now, grant awardees can receive up to S$250,000 (approx. HKD 1.3 million)! We’d love to hear your story! Lean more: Apply now: #DBSFoundation
#Changemakers See more