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【社企創新點子 需要資金拓展】 #星展基金會 「社會企業獎助金計畫」全力支持 #社企 拓展業務,共同創造更大嘅社會效益!   

【社企創新點子 需要資金拓展】 #星展基金會 「社會企業獎助金計畫」全力支持 #社企 拓展業務,共同創造更大嘅社會效益!勝出嘅社企可獲高達S$250,000(約HK$1,300,000)獎助金同業務支援。今年更新設 #食物零浪費 類別獎助金,協助相關社企解決 #剩食問題 。 如果你嘅社企有其他社會目標,都歡迎申請,一齊實踐社會使命!... 5月15日截止,立即申請啦!

【Scale up for Good】 DBS Foundation is calling for social enterprise grant applications for 2020 cycle. Successful applicants will receive grant funding of up to SGD 250,000 each (approx. HKD 1.3 million) for scale-up. This year, we are introducing a new Zero Food Waste category of grants for social enterprises with innovative solutions that contribute to the target of reducing food waste. Solutions may range from that which minimise food wastage to that which manage food surplus or upcycle food waste. No matter if your SE is working for Zero Food Waste or other social issues, we look forward to receiving your applications. Application deadline: 15 May. Apply now!
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