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【新型冠狀病毒額外保障】 DBS夥拍宏利香港,致力守護您嘅健康。因應近期新型冠狀病毒嘅情況,   

【新型冠狀病毒額外保障】 DBS夥拍宏利香港,致力守護您嘅健康。因應近期新型冠狀病毒嘅情況,所有經DBS購買宏利香港個人理財產品保單嘅客戶(包括現有及全新客戶) ,由2020年 1月24日至2020年4月30日,保單受保人(「受保客戶」) 就新型冠狀病毒可得到額外保障,確保遇有急切需要時,您同家人可得到適切的保障同財務支援! 額外保障:...

1. 若受保客戶不幸於上述期間內確診而需住院,宏利將提供每日600港元的住院現金保障,長達45日
2. 若香港或澳門政府指令受保客戶於上述期間內於醫院或隔離營接受強制隔離,每宗個案可獲提供一筆過特別現金保障3,000港元
3. 若受保客戶於上述期間內不幸確診,因應家人可能要家居隔離,宏利將提供一筆過特別現金保障2,000港元 針對新型冠狀病毒的門診及住院索償,宏利將簡化並優先處理有關理賠事宜:
1. 受保客戶可就新型冠狀病毒的確診個案,透過宏利網上索償平台 遞交索償申請(www.claimsimple.hk),收據金額不限
2. 宏利最快可在一個工作天內完成處理有關索償事宜
3. 索償申請除適用於宏利香港在中國内地的現有指定醫院外,亦包括中國政府公佈的其他定點醫院
4. 豁免等候期
5. 豁免提交索償期限的要求 詳情請參閲以下宏利香港網站內的條款及細則 (包括受保「新型冠狀病毒」的定義) 或有關單張。 Partnering with Manulife Hong Kong, DBS strives to protect your health. In view of the current novel coronavirus outbreak, all customers who purchase Manulife’s Individual financial product policies via DBS Bank, including existing and new customers, the insured (“Covered Client”) will receive special coverage relating to novel coronavirus from Jan 24, 2020 until Apr 30, 2020, to ensure adequate protection and financial support when you and your family need it the most! Special coverage benefits:
1. If the Covered Client is unfortunately diagnosed with novel coronavirus and require hospitalisation during the above mentioned period, Hospital cash will be provided at HK$600 per day, up to 45 days;
2. If the Covered Client is required to undergo mandatory quarantine at hospitals or quarantine centres as imposed by the Hong Kong or Macau government during the above mentioned period, a one-off HK$3,000 payment will be granted;
3. If the Covered Client is unfortunately diagnosed with novel coronavirus during the above mentioned period, a one-off family support benefit of HK$2,000 will be given. Outpatient and hospitalisation claims diagnosed with novel coronavirus will be simplified and processed with priority:
1. Customers may submit medical claims for diagnosed cases through Manulife's eClaims platform, www.claimsimple.hk, regardless of the receipt amount;
2. Related claims will be processed as soon as within one working day;
3. Claim eligibility extends to the PRC government’s appointed hospitals outside of Manulife's designated hospitals in Mainland China;
4. The waiting period will be waived;
5. The claims submission deadline will also be waived.
Please refer to the terms and conditions via the following website of Manulife HK (including the definition of “novel coronavirus” under coverage) / relevant leaflet for more details. 此新型冠狀病毒額外保障由宏利人壽保險(國際)有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司)承保。星展銀行(香港)有限公司為宏利之持牌保險代理機構。 This Additional Coverage for Novel Coronavirus is provided by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited is acting as a licensed insurance agency of Manulife. #DBS
#新型冠狀病毒 See more