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【2019香港金融科技周 星展銀行誠邀你Live more, Bank less!   

【2019香港金融科技周 星展銀行誠邀你Live more, Bank less!】 銀行服務,本應簡單!星展銀行作為2019香港金融科技周嘅白金贊助商,將於呢項年度盛事設置攤位,屆時會向客戶及業務夥伴示範嶄新嘅銀行產品及服務;初創企業亦可著此機會,與大家分享佢哋嘅創業理念。歡迎大家一同參與,喺一個寬敞、開放嘅舒適環境,感受輕鬆便捷嘅銀行體驗! 我哋就喺入口附近嘅A06攤位,一齊嚟體驗Live more, Bank less!...

了解更多: 【2019 HK FinTech Week – Live more, Bank less with DBS】 Your hassle-free banking experience starts here. DBS, as the platinum sponsor of 2019 HK FinTech Week, will have innovative product/service showcases both for consumers and businesses, as well as a mini-stage that will allow start-ups to share their creative business ideas. We welcome everyone to join us in an open and relaxing area to sit back, talk over a coffee and collaborate with us at the booth! See you at booth A06 near the entrance!
Learn more: #DBS
#銀行服務化繁為簡 See more