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【Design for Social Impact Challenge 發掘更多社創可能!   

【Design for Social Impact Challenge 發掘更多社創可能!】 由 Good Seed HK 主辦,星展贊助嘅Design for Social Impact Challenge 2019經已完滿結束喇~十支決賽隊伍角逐三個獎項,最終由推廣盲攝嘅 盲蹤踪 Sightfeeling 勇奪DBS Impact Award,而 Gab Gab Cantonese 同 呀周電視 Chow TV 就一同獲選為Youth Good Seed Award得獎隊伍。 相片中除咗見到得獎者嘅燦爛笑容,身後嘅木箱佈置同佢哋手上嘅錦旗,更由另一家DBS支持嘅社企Made in Sample負責製作。人人都可以幫助推動社會可持續發展, DBS Impact Award對熱心推廣社創嘅企業絕對係一個肯定,鼓勵更多有潛力社企繼續以創意商業思維解決社會問題。

The wooden backdrop behind the winners along with the delicate pennants on their hands are crafted by Made in Sample, another social enterprise supported by DBS. Every one of us can take one step further in promoting sustainable social development. DBS Impact Award is a recognition to the social enterprises that enthusiastically support social innovations, also an encouragement in fostering more potential enterprises to tackle social issues with innovative business minds. #DBS
#社會創新 展开