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【一起守護地球】 點先可以守護地球?有一班「地球守護隊」,就希望透過回收再造及可持續設計,搵出「人」、「地球」與「利潤」三者之間嘅平衡點!   

【一起守護地球】 點先可以守護地球?有一班「地球守護隊」,就希望透過回收再造及可持續設計,搵出「人」、「地球」與「利潤」三者之間嘅平衡點! DBS全力支持新世界集團旗下 Eureka Nova 舉辦Impact Kommons初創加速計劃Cohort 2,入選初創企業 REMAKEHUB,團隊由「Planet Guardians」組成,包括科學家、工程師、藝術家、建築師、企業家和時裝設計師等,積極推動「Planet Scale」綠色方案,致力解決無止境嘅廢棄問題,通過創新科技將面臨被棄置往堆填區嘅廢物,轉化為製作時尚產品嘅可持續再用物料,推動循環經濟,一起守護地球!... REMAKEHUB更係《DBS SPARKS綻放精彩》微電影第二季第4集嘅主角,立即click入重溫:

[Save our planet] A team of “Planet Guardians” has established a social enterprise in order to find the balance spot on "people, planet and profit". DBS is delighted to join forces as the Social Impact Partner again with the Asia's first UN SDG focused accelerator programme Impact Kommons (powered by Eureka Nova, a New World Group member). #REMAKEHUB, a selected start-up of cohort 2, was built a big ambition to support a “Planet Scale” solution for eradicating waste and embracing the circular economy. To that end, they provide creative and impactful recycling solutions on transforming waste into lifestyle products through high tech innovative material and sustainable design. The 4th episode of DBS SPARKS mini-series (Season 2) is also inspired by the stories of REMAKEHUB. Watch it here: #DBS
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