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【認清「到期」標籤🤩】 由細到大,媽媽都教「到期唔好食」,不過個「期」都分好幾種㗎!   

【認清「到期」標籤🤩】 由細到大,媽媽都教「到期唔好食」,不過個「期」都分好幾種㗎!有別於「此日期或之前食用(Use By Date)」,「此日期前最佳(Best Before Date)」嘅食物到期或即將到期,雖然食用口感未必最好,但如果保存得適當,仲可以安全食用㗎! #星展基金會 #社會企業獎助金計劃2020 香港得獎社企 GreenPrice 係全港第一間「惜食」超市,專門出售將會或已到「此日期前最佳(Best Before Date)」嘅產品,減少食物浪費之餘,同時讓客人以更實惠嘅價格購買,仍然可以安全食用嘅產品!為推動可持續發展生活嘅理念,星展基金會將會全力支持GreenPrice建立數碼化嘅供應系統及擴充實體零售店舖🙆 !... 發掘其他獲獎社企故事:go.dbs.com/dbsfgrant20 【Understanding food labels】

In Hong Kong, there are two kinds of expiry labels. “Use By Date” is used in the case of highly perishable foods. Consumption of these food items are not recommended after the use-by date as they are likely to constitute an immediate danger to human health. On the contrary, “Best Before Date” is there to give you clues regarding freshness, taste and texture. If they are stored properly, pre-packaged food is still safe for consumption beyond those set dates. GreenPrice Supermarket in Hong Kong, one of the #DBSFoundation Social Enterprise Grant 2020 awardees, mitigates food waste by retailing surplus or short-dated stock passing its best before date with big discounts. DBS Foundation will support the automation and digitalisation of their supply chain, and expansion of retail stores. Get to know other awardees and their innovations here: go.dbs.com/dbsfgrant20 #DBS
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