天氣一轉,差不多又到換季的時候了。潮濕的天氣令衣服怎樣掠都不乾而且很容易發霉,不想自己珍貴的衣物被潮濕天氣破壞,就要交到可信賴的乾洗公司代為清洗了。為了感謝我們的客人,恒隆白洋舍於這個季節推出乾洗優惠,3至5件有九五折,6件以上有九折,十件以上有九折外更贈送「HK$50 x 3優惠券」一套,先到先得,送完即止。快到恒隆白洋舍乾洗換季衣物!
Season changing, Spring Promotion Starts, Come and join our special offer. 3 to 5 pieces get 5% off; 6 pieces and more get 10% off; 10 pieces get 10% off and one set of HK$50 x 3 Cleaning Coupon.
Season changing, Spring Promotion Starts, Come and join our special offer. 3 to 5 pieces get 5% off; 6 pieces and more get 10% off; 10 pieces get 10% off and one set of HK$50 x 3 Cleaning Coupon.