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【Annual Global Party】You are invited!   

【Annual Global Party】You are invited!

You're never fully dressed without jewellery! Now you're cordially invited to join our Party. Share us your jewellery tips that make you stand out in party & win a 'Cute & Pets' 999 Gold Rat Charm worth HK$1,650. What you do?
1. Visit chowsangsang.com/hk and make a screen capture of the jewellery which makes you different and pretty...
2. Post the screen capture in post comment and caption to tell us how it makes you different
3. Share and tag 3 friends, hashtag #ChowSangSangAnnualGlobalParty Entry will be closed on 10 Nov, 11:59pm (HKT). Comment with most likes will be the winner. Result will be announced on 18 November (HKT)
Stay tuned for our upcoming #ChowSangSangAnnualGlobalParty at 展开