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置於魚頸魚身之間的大吞拿魚腩,為整條吞拿最肥美矜貴的部分,炙燒後入口即溶、油香四溢;佐以魚背之上口感結實、鮮味濃郁的赤身,以及綿滑細緻的吞拿魚蓉,最後以鹽麴及蔥花點綴;一貫壽司,集合吞拿魚三種截然不同的迷人口感,每一口都交織出更複雜豐富的層次,讓人一試傾心,沉醉不已。 ($58/件)... 網上訂購現已登陸千両: 外送服務:
選擇1 : 選擇2 : 選擇3 : [Shokunin Sushi: Seared Prime Fatty Tuna with Salted Rice Malt Minced Tuna]
Prime Fatty Tuna, also known as "Toro" is the fattest part of tuna and it locates in between the neck and body of the fish. With the luscious texture, prime fatty tuna will melt smoothly after searing. The combination of the savoury and firm “Akami” and minced tuna, this sushi gives you layers of different texture and harmonious satisfaction. ($58/piece) Online ordering is now on sen-ryo: Delivery Service:
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