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炙燒芝士三文魚親子壽司及日本松葉蟹迷你壽司飯,新鮮素材的新鮮組合,是千両全新餐目中的新驚喜。堅持一貫初衷,嚴選日本直送魚鮮、宮城縣白米、岐阜縣壽司醋,用心鑽研,將傳統壽司食材重新演譯,就是千両自家製壽司系列。 [New menu: Home-made Sushi Series]
Seared Salmon with Cheese and Salmon Roe Sushi and Japanese Snow Crab Mini Sushi Rice; sen-ryo incorporates fresh ingredients with new twists: daily sea catches direct from Japan, rice from Miyagi Prefecture and sushi vinegar from Gifu Prefecture. Adhering to true authenticity, traditional ingredients are finely curated and re-interpreted into the brand new sushi series. A must-try!