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千両2019全新餐目的熱食菜式,一樣用心革新,傾注熱情,將頂級食材以匠心料理。其中最推薦之一為「和牛蒸籠」:精選來自日本最大和牛產地——鹿兒島之和牛,經過巧手薄切,上桌時置於熱氣騰騰的蒸籠中,以蒸氣加熱至完美熟度,將牛肉,昇華至入口即化的完全鮮味。 [New menu: cooked dishes series]
Cooked dishes in the sen-ryo 2019 new menu showcase innovation from the heart and passion infused into top ingredients. One top recommendation is Wagyu Steam Box (Kagoshima): premium wagyu beef from Kagoshima, the largest cattle producing area in Japan, are delicately sliced and placed in a steam box cooked to perfection on your table. Indulge in premium beef that simply melts on your tongue!