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寄世鍋意為「從各度集結而成的豐富鍋物」,多以海鮮貝類及時蔬為食材。千両限定推出的海鮮寄世鍋以豐洲直送的帆立貝煮成濃郁湯底,再添上鯛魚、蠔、帶子及各式蔬菜,讓海產與菜類的鮮與甜相互交融。 [Direct from Toyosu: Seafood Yosenabe]
Fine selection of ingredients including seafood and seasonal vegetables selected by sen-ryo. Direct from Toyosu, scallop made into rich soup broth; add in sea bream, oyster, scallop and various vegetables. Indulge in the freshness and sweetness of seafood and greens in this delectable dish.