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位於日本島根縣的宍道湖,得天獨厚,為海水淡水混合的半鹹水湖,水產特別豐富優質。當中捕獲量冠絕全國的蜆,更有宍道湖「七珍」之一的美名。將粒粒新鮮飽滿的宍道湖蜆熬煮成湯,入口鮮甜回味,讓人一試難忘。 $38... [Shokunin Sushi: Lake Shinji Shijimi Clam Soup]
Lake Shinji locates in Shimane Prefecture is a brackish water lake, a mixture of freshwater and seawater. Water in good quality results a rich harvest of shijimi clams which is one of the seven delicacies of Lake Shinji. The soup made by shijimi clams is extremely sweet and fresh and gives you a harmonious satisfaction. $38 See more