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【全新餐目:初心 始終如一】   

【全新餐目:初心 始終如一】

千両2019全新餐目將於5月8日隆重推出。嶄新菜式背後,是千両堅持不忘的「はじめ(Hajime)」初衷。從每一款素材的挑選,到每一道料理的鑽研,都是職人之魂的實踐。 用心,做好眼前每一貫壽司,就是千両一貫的初心。... [New menu. Same authenticity.]
Watch out for our brand new 2019 menu on May 8! Behind our new offerings, the "hajime spirit" of sen-ryo continues on as each ingredient is carefully selected and every dish finely curated by shuokunin. At sen-ryo, each piece of sushi is crafted from the heart. Be ready to experience this same authenticity. 展开