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石川縣位於日本本州沿海地帶,為北陸三縣之一,四季分明,山、海、溫泉俱備,更有深厚文化歷史韻味,是讓人一去難忘的旅遊聖地。藉此短片,配合千両餐桌上的北陸鮮味,希望能讓愛日之人更深入了解石川縣的風情名物。 立即觀看影片: [The Taste of Hokuriku: Ishikawa Prefecture]
Ishikawa is one of the Prefecture of Hokuriku Region and sits on the seacoast of Honshu. Ishikawa is also known as “The Perfect Garden” in Hokuriku Region and it is beautiful in every season, with the charm of its profound culture and history. We hope that diners can enjoy the most authentic taste and know more about the nature of Ishikawa simultaneously by reviewing this video. View the video now: #石川縣 #金澤 #白山 #加賀 #能登 展开