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【優質嬰兒內衣就在Mothercare】 你哋有冇去過門市睇過我哋嘅嬰兒連身內衣呢? 我哋嘅嬰兒連身內衣有好多唔同既設計同尺寸, 去到24個月大嘅尺寸都有嫁。   

【優質嬰兒內衣就在Mothercare】 你哋有冇去過門市睇過我哋嘅嬰兒連身內衣呢? 我哋嘅嬰兒連身內衣有好多唔同既設計同尺寸, 去到24個月大嘅尺寸都有嫁。而且由100%純棉製造,柔軟又舒服。我哋嘅連身衣亦有防鏽鈕扣、防滑及防止小B抓傷自己的手指套設計,完美保護你嘅小B!😍😊 【The Best bodysuit @ Mothercare】... Have you seen our bodysuits in stores? They come in an array of designs and sizes (up to 24mths) and are made of super soft cotton. We carry bodysuits with anti rust poppers, anti slip or anti scratch mitten or if you prefer one with multi-purpose, we have them too! 😍😊 初生嬰兒衣服 Newborn wearing:festivalwalk

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