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【點解需要高餐椅? 】 當BB 六個月左右👶   

【點解需要高餐椅? 】 當BB 六個月左右👶

呢個時候就可以坐係高餐椅上面食嘢! ... 一家人係用餐桌食飯嘅時候
BB坐喺高餐椅上面 (緊記需使要安全帶)
一邊繼續進餐 咁BB 就可以感受到同屋企人一齊食飯嘅樂趣
從而學識餐桌禮儀😉 【why do you need a high chair?】 Moving your baby into her own highchair is a milestone moment in itself and you'll no doubt have the camera ready to record every minute👶 You'll know when your baby is ready to use a high chair because he or she can confidently sit unsupported; probably from around the age of six months. The important thing is to be governed by your own baby's development and how firm his/ her back is😉 Once ready to sit in a high chair it's vital that your baby is secured with a crutch strap and a five-point harness. From a baby's point of view it's exciting being on eye level with grown-ups, having solids to eat🥣 (and throw around!) plus the opportunity to wriggle and make a lot of noise! ---------------------------------------
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