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【Weaning 加固】   

【Weaning 加固】

六個月大嘅BB 就可以同屋企人一齊食野
可以首先試下例如: 切成一條條或者搗碎成蓉嘅水果或蔬菜、手指餅或者薯蓉(但不添加鹽或糖)🍎🍌🍇🥦🥬🥑
記得培養BB 嘅飲食習慣比到底食左幾多重要!
先係健康成長😉 *如果你有問題, 應請教醫護人員 🍏🍐🍊🍋🍌🍇🍓🥑🥕🥔🍠🍞🥨🌽 Weaning is an important step in your baby’s development and it’s
great fun to explore new flavours and textures together.
At six months, babies can eat family foods – soft finger foods or mashed food are good examples.
Start with a mix of fruit and veg (but with no added salt or sugar).
To begin with, how much your baby takes is less important than getting them used to the idea of eating as they will still be getting most of their nutrition from breast milk or infant formula.
If your baby is premature or you are worried about when to start weaning,
Please speak to your health visitor. ---------------------------------------
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