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★Mothercare KOL大募集 - Hamilton X1 嬰童手推車★   

★Mothercare KOL大募集 - Hamilton X1 嬰童手推車★

久違了的 KOL大募集🤣
一直都有好多人inbox 小編問幾時又會大募集
只要做齊以下嘅要求就有機會成為Mothercare KOL 媽咪
仲可以試用Hamilton X1 嬰童手推車,出post寫用後感寫得好,仲可以獲得呢部Hamilton X1 嬰童手推車添(價值HK$3,999)😎😎
我地需要你 😍 😍 😍
快D 參加啦!💪
Hamilton X1 嬰童手推車簡介👇👇
負責設計嘅工程師成為爸爸之後感受到: ✨✨當你要抱緊BB又已經拎緊一個袋時
仲要打開/折合你嘅嬰兒車係一啲都唔容易✨✨ 所以決定生產一部配有自動折疊系統MagicFold 嘅嬰童手推車, 比父母嘅生活更輕鬆,更方便! Hamilton亦係同類產品中嘅第一款,唔需用電,都可以自動折疊嘅嬰童手推車😁
試用呢架咁正嘅車 & share 吧!
💫 參加步驟 💫
1. 讚好 + 分享 Mothercare Hong Kong Facebook專頁及此post (必須設定為公開)
2. 上載一張你同BB嘅甜蜜溫馨照片+ 點解覺得自己岩做KOL 到呢個Post嘅回覆欄內,hashtag標籤 #Hamilton #X1
3. 在同一回覆欄上Tag 3位你的朋友
4. 填妥表格 ( 5. Mothercare將會選出最適合嘅3 位媽咪成為Mothercare KOL 並出席9月28日之品牌發佈會 6. 活動截止日期及時間︰2019年9月25日23時55分。 ★Mothercare KOL recruitment ★
Say “Yes!” to be Mothercare KOL
Simply share with us your most lovely and sweetie images of you and your little one, left us comment and state that how to suitable to be KOL MUM☺️☺️
📌The most suitable 3 mums will be chosen. Winner could get a chance to the latest Hamilton X1 Stroller. If the trial post feed is qualified, the next KOL could be rewarded a Hamilton X1 Stroller(worth HK$3,999). Hamilton is a German-design stroller that features an automatic folding system, MagicFold. It is the first of its kind and does not use any batteries, wires, chargers or electricity.
The brainchild of a German engineer who is passionate about making life easier and more convenient for parents after witnessing his wife care for their first born😁
✨“It was not easy, to be carrying a bag, a baby and still having to close or open your stroller.”✨
Want one? Join us!
💫 How to Apply 💫
1. Like & Share Mothercare Hong Kong Facebook Page and this post. (Must set as public)
2. Post a sweet photo of you and your little one & state that how to suitable to be KOL MUM in the comment area, hashtag #Hamilton #X1
3. Tag 3 of your Facebook friends in the same comment
4. Complete the form ( 5. The most suitable 3 mums will be chosen and invited to join the product launch event.
6. Campaign ends at 25 Sep 2019 23:55. See more