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[ ENOTECA Weekend Free Tasting ]   

[ ENOTECA Weekend Free Tasting ]

[ Pierre Gaillard Cornas $390 ]
[ May 14 - 16 周五至周日 Available at all Shops ] 辛勤工作一週,又有甚麼比飲杯精彩美味的葡萄酒更好?...
除了飲兩杯以外,與我們共渡逾快週未或許也是答案。 在北隆享負盛名的Pierre Gaillard,是為隆河La La La奠定基礎的傳奇人物。 81年成立酒莊,瓶上不同的油畫酒標,全部由Pierre Gaillard的鄰居、友人兼畫家Alain Demond繪製。某次一同喝過酒莊美酒後,他畫出了十多款葡萄酒的形象,當中的田園山水捉住了Pierre的心神,也將他手下北隆葡萄酒的美麗盡現眼前,自此禮聘,一畫經年。 於全線分店皆可品嚐,我們在ENOTECA等待您的來臨。 “Floral from nose to finish, this perfumed Syrah showcases blackberry and fig flavors accented by violet, lavender and sage. It's freshly structured but sumptuous, with a piercing black-fruit finish that's glossy and undulating. Fantastic already the wine should improve through 2035.” (Vintage 2017 Review) WE 94(2017), Anna C. Iljima, Wine Enthusiast
Pierre Gaillard Cornas 2018
HK$390 See more