Venchi Gelato空氣含量低🍦,口感更細膩綿滑,每口都是真材實料的濃郁口味✨!今天是Gelato Week 的最後一天,快來Venchi各店感受正宗的意式Gelato之餘贏取各種豐富禮物🎁!
Having less air in Venchi Gelato can make smooth texture and more intense flavours 🍦! Come to try them all and win the prize on the last day of Gelato Week🎁!
#MyGelatoMate #OurGelatoMoment #VenchiGelato #GelatoWeek #VenchiHK
Having less air in Venchi Gelato can make smooth texture and more intense flavours 🍦! Come to try them all and win the prize on the last day of Gelato Week🎁!
#MyGelatoMate #OurGelatoMoment #VenchiGelato #GelatoWeek #VenchiHK