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All The Night Market outlets are taking precautionary actions under government    

All The Night Market outlets are taking precautionary actions under government measures to ensure a safe and clean dining environment for our guests and staff. 1. Staff required to wear a mask and sanitize hands every 30 mins

2. Disinfectant spray after customers leave a table
3. Hand sanitizers will be provided at the entrance for guests...
4. Disinfecting sanitary wipes at the table for each customer
5. Temperature check for every customer & staff
6. Keep at least 1.5m distance between tables Let us work together 💪🏻 in fighting this battle against the epidemic 新冠肺炎疫情持續,為保障賓客及員工及配合政府政策,The Night Market 已於全線分店加強及實行以下防疫措施 1. 任何時間員工均須佩戴口罩;並需每30分鐘消毒雙手
2. 當客人離開後,員工立刻使用可食用消毒噴霧加強清潔及消毒餐桌及椅子
3. 於餐廳門口已準備酒精搓手液以供賓客使用
4. 向每檯客人提供消毒濕紙巾
5. 為每位客人及員工量度體溫
6. 每檯之間保持1.5米的距離 💪🏻同大家一齊 #同心抗疫 #taiwanesefood #taiwan #taiwanesecuisine #taiwanfood #hkfood #foodlover #hongkong #besmart #smartie #thenightmarket #hkrestaurant #caring #eathealthy #antivirus #eatgreen #勿瘋搶 #台灣料理 #地道台灣 #家庭料理 #台灣菜 #台灣美食 #齊心抗疫 展开