又一城 >   The Night Market     >

We have all been hard hit by Covid-19. As a restaurant, we see first-hand how devasting it has been.   

We have all been hard hit by Covid-19. As a restaurant, we see first-hand how devasting it has been. However, there’s a large and growing population who’s being left behind. We need your help to continue to feed our less fortunate brothers and sisters.” #ImpactHK 所有人都受到今場新冠肺炎一疫重創。我們作為一家餐廳算是首當其衝,見證它如何影響整個社會環境。但是更受這場疫症影響的大有人在。社會上還有很多基層市民連基本的日常生活都無法應付,希望大家可施以援手,幫忙那基層的一群。 Credit to 特別鳴謝 ImpactHK @gx2chan...

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