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Facing the 4th wave of the epidemic arrival,   

Facing the 4th wave of the epidemic arrival, #TheNightMarketHK will continue to provide distancing solutions for all of our guests, and will ensure that we upkeep a high standard of sanitization in all our restaurants through the following procedures. 1️⃣Staff required to sanitize hands every 30 mins besides wearing a mask

2️⃣Disinfectant spray after customers leave a table
3️⃣Hand sanitizers will be provided at the entrance for guests...
4️⃣Disinfecting sanitary wipes at the table for each customer
5️⃣Ensure there is a distance of at least 1.5 metres or partition(s) between tables 面對香港「第四波疫情」來勢洶洶,我們會盡心盡力,一如以往地繼續以下防疫措施,讓客人在安全整潔的環境下享用最好的餐飲體驗。 1. 任何時間員工除了均須佩戴口罩;並需每30分鐘消毒雙手
2. 當客人離開後,員工立刻使用可食用消毒噴霧消毒餐桌及椅子
3. 於餐廳門口已準備酒精搓手液以供賓客使用
4. 向每檯客人提供消毒濕紙巾
5. 每檯之間會以透明分隔保持1.5米的距離 #thenightmarket #taiwanesefood #taiwan #yummytaiwan #taiwanesecuisine #taiwanfood #staysafe #stayhealthy #lovetaiwan #taiwanlover #foodlover #hkfood #台灣料理 #地道台灣 #家庭料理 #台灣菜 #台灣美食 #防疫 #抗疫 #六點禁堂食 展开