Fancy a cup of specialty coffee in the hiking and camping season? Cold brew in this case comes in handy. Available in 3 flavours (Classic, Sparkling and Elderflower*), our canned cold brews feature beans from Brazil, Columbia and Ethiopia (TCA House Blend), fresh and locally roasted, with a long, resonant dark chocolate finish. Available in-store and online. 又到最適合戶外活動的秋天!行山及露營時想嘆一杯精品咖啡? 我們的罐裝冷萃咖啡採用來自巴西、哥倫比亞及埃塞俄比亞的咖啡豆(TCA House Blend),帶有堅果及黑朱古力風味,全部新鮮於本地烘培,現於網店及全線分店有售。 *in-store only