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齊來認識 #我們的咖啡豆 ☕️    

齊來認識 #我們的咖啡豆 ☕️

你知道嗎?阿拉比卡咖啡豆(Arabica coffee) 的發源地其實是埃塞俄比亞!至今,非洲最大的咖啡生產國家仍是埃塞俄比亞,也被公認為出產高品質單品咖啡的地方。典型的埃塞俄比亞咖啡味道口感平衡,並偏向帶有甜味及果香的。
在Pacific Coffee,我們從埃塞俄比亞南部的西達摩區(Sidamo) 搜羅的這款咖啡,口味均勻,呈現出濃郁的口感,並具有莓果風味和明亮的酸度🍒
✨全新系列14款口味的Pacific Coffee咖啡豆(250克)已於全港分店登場!立即到全港分店,即可以優惠價$198購買任何3包咖啡豆(零售價: $88 - $118 / 包)!優惠受條款及細則約束:bit.ly/2020beans   ... Get to know #OurBeans ☕️
Did you know that Arabica coffee originated from the highlands of Ethiopia? To this day, Ethiopia is still Africa’s largest coffee producer while offering some of the world's best single-origin coffees. Typically, Ethiopian coffees are known for their balanced sweet flavors and fruity aromas.
At Pacific Coffee, we source our Ethiopian beans from Sidama, situated in the south of Ethiopia. This coffee exudes prominent dark cherry and plum flavors with complex acidity🍒
✨Our full range of coffee beans (250g) with new packaging is now available! Visit our coffeehouses to enjoy the bundle price of $198 for 3 packs of beans (Retail price: $88 - $118/pack)! Terms and conditions apply: bit.ly/2020beans-en 展开