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來到4月,我們帶來全新系列的Pacific Coffee咖啡豆(250克)!新包裝的咖啡豆現於網上商店率先登場,讓你足不出戶地體驗網購的樂趣!   

來到4月,我們帶來全新系列的Pacific Coffee咖啡豆(250克)!新包裝的咖啡豆現於網上商店率先登場,讓你足不出戶地體驗網購的樂趣!除了原有的6款經典咖啡豆外 ,更有多款來自牙買加藍山、夏威夷等優質產地的單品咖啡豆供選擇!一共14款口味,定能滿足各大咖啡迷的味蕾!趁咖啡豆還未於分店上架前,立即搶先選購您的心水咖啡豆吧:festivalwalk

*咖啡豆將於4月4日在全線Pacific Coffee分店有售(亞洲國際博覽館展館分店除外) We are excited to introduce a whole new series of Pacific Coffee Beans 250g in April! The new beans have made their debut at our eShop for you to shop while staying at home! With a redesigned packaging, these 14 flavours – 6 signature flavours... and 8 new flavours including single origins from Jamaica Blue Mountain and Hawaii – offer the best bean selection for all coffee lovers!
Be the first to buy these beans before they arrive at our coffeehouses: *The new beans series will be available at all coffeehouses from Apr 4 onwards (except coffeehouses at the Asia World-Expo Halls) See more