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留意到疫情持續蔓延底下,有部分正接受強制檢疫人士仍不遵守隔離令。為了大眾、客人和員工的安全,Pacific Coffee恕不接待戴上監察手帶的人士。   

留意到疫情持續蔓延底下,有部分正接受強制檢疫人士仍不遵守隔離令。為了大眾、客人和員工的安全,Pacific Coffee恕不接待戴上監察手帶的人士。我們希望所有隔離人士都可為己為人,耐心地完成14天的隔離期後再盡情享受咖啡吧!如隔離人士在這期間咖啡癮發作的話,亦可足不出戶地用手機於foodpanda點餐。

此外,為進一步保障客人,我們已將部份分店之坐位數量減少,讓大家能在一定的距離下安心進食。 #齊齊抗疫 #防止社區爆發人人有責... It has been reported that some overseas returnees have violated the 14-day home quarantine order in spite of the on-going coronavirus outbreak. To safeguard the health of our customers and staff, Pacific Coffee would not be providing service to those wearing quarantine tracking wristbands. We hope that home-quarantined individuals will comply with the order patiently and understand that it is our duty to do so. For those who crave a cup of coffee during their quarantine, they are welcomed to order on foodpanda to have our coffees delivered to their doorstep.
Furthermore, you may have noticed that the number of seats has been reduced at some of our coffeehouses. This is to create more distances among dine-in customers so that everyone can enjoy their daily dose of coffee with ease of mind. 展开