又一城 >   Oliver’s Super Sandwiches     >


Ciabatta最鮮明的特點,在於它鬆軟又煙韌的口感。於這份獨特的口感上,再加上蜜味火腿、蘑菇及車打芝士三款味道及質感皆各具特色的餡料,一口咬下,滿足的感覺油然而生,讓你在忙碌的工作中放放鬆。 The very chewy and soft texture of Ciabatta just makes everyone crave for it. Enjoy it with the rich stuffings— honey ham, cheddar cheese and mushroom and you will can’t help falling in love with this incredible delicacy. Isn’t it a perfect way to fuel up yourself? #OliversSuperSandwiches #Ciabatta #honeyham #cheddarcheese #mushroom