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【 舊有粉囊,煥然一「身」】 在保育環境的路上, 我們一直全力支持可持續發展的理念,並將咖啡粉囊的鋁材回收再造成單車、原子筆等鋁製品。   

【 舊有粉囊,煥然一「身」】 在保育環境的路上, 我們一直全力支持可持續發展的理念,並將咖啡粉囊的鋁材回收再造成單車、原子筆等鋁製品。現在,Nespresso 更與您走多一步,將鋁材回收再造成新的咖啡粉囊,並推出由 80% 再生鋁製成的《工藝之源》Colombia咖啡粉囊,讓我們品嚐香濃咖啡的同時,一起為地球環境出一分力。 [There’s almost nothing new about our new capsule]... A Nespresso coffee capsule doesn’t see its end after use. The aluminum in our capsules is recycled and given a second life such as bicycles, pens and coasters. What’s more, the capsules of the new Master Origins Colombia coffee are now made from 80% recycled aluminum. When you prepare a cup of this vibrant aromatic coffee, savour the taste, but also the feeling of contributing to a more sustainable tomorrow. #Nespresso #NespressoHK #WhatElse #MasterOrigins #Colombia #Recycle #DoingIsEverything See more