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【生活裡的小確幸】 面對每日緊繃的生活及壓力,何不讓自己放鬆一下,在家感受一刻寧靜寫意?按照 Nespresso食譜,為自己沖調一杯充滿傳統風味的 Affogato 吧!   

【生活裡的小確幸】 面對每日緊繃的生活及壓力,何不讓自己放鬆一下,在家感受一刻寧靜寫意?按照 Nespresso食譜,為自己沖調一杯充滿傳統風味的 Affogato 吧!Affogato 的經典做法是將一杯 espresso 倒在雲呢拿雪糕上,令兩者經過冷熱碰撞後產生奇妙的變化。以Nespresso 精選《 意味之源 》 Ispirazione Roma 作咖啡主調,用Barista 飲品沖調器將咖啡打成泡狀,以陣陣木香糅合雪糕的香草芳香,讓您細味兩者融合的獨特風味之餘,享受屬於自己的時光。 Nespresso Affogato食譜:... 1. 在杯中加入1球雲呢拿雪糕

2. 沖調 Ispirazione Roma 咖啡 (40ml) 後加入 Barista 飲品沖調器中
3. 合上壺蓋,在沖調器上選擇「Affogato」再按下開始鍵
4. 將製作好的咖啡泡倒在雲呢拿雪糕上,即可品嘗 探索Nespresso各款香濃咖啡食譜: [Simple pleasures in life] Do you wish to sit back for a bit and enjoy a quiet moment at home? Try this Nespresso recipe and make yourself a traditional cup of Affogato! Pour a cup of espresso on vanilla ice cream for a wonderful hot-cold sensation. Using Nespresso's Ispirazione Roma and the Barista Recipe Maker, this recipe blends woody fragrance with the scent of vanilla, letting you delight in the best of both. Nespresso Affogato recipe: 1. Place 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup
2. Brew an espresso shot of Ispirazione Roma and add into the Barista Recipe Maker
3. Close the lid, select "Affogato", and press Start
4. Pour the coffee foam onto the ice cream, and serve at once Explore Nespresso's various coffee recipes: #Nespresso #NespressoHK #StayatHomewithNespresso
#WhatElse #Affogato #Recipe See more