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Nespresso誠邀俱樂部會員,領取新一年的Nespresso Pass,與我們一起探索5個獨特的咖啡時刻,並展開可持續的環保「鋁」程。只要購買指定系列的咖啡粉囊套裝,即可獲一個咖啡印章;而到專門店回收30粒或以上已使用的粉囊,則可獲回收印章一個。當會員集齊指定數量的印章,便可換領禮品。 立即親臨我們的專門店領取你的Nespresso Pass,並了解更多!... 立即展開你的2019咖啡之旅: Beginning of Your 2019 Coffee Journey
We cordially invite all Club Members to take part in our Nespresso Pass Programme in 2019. Starting 18th February, your Nespresso Pass will guide you through 5 unique coffee moments this year, and a sustainable capsule journey. Collect coffee and recycling stamps by purchasing selected coffee sleeve packs and returning used capsules to redeem unique gifts. Visit our Boutiques to collect your Nespresso Pass and find out more! Start your coffee journey now: #NespressoHK #NespressoPass See more