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【 工藝之源.品味之旅 】 Nespresso 每款 Master Origin「工藝之源」咖啡粉囊(India、Indonesia、Colombia、Nicaragua    

【 工藝之源.品味之旅 】 Nespresso 每款 Master Origin「工藝之源」咖啡粉囊(India、Indonesia、Colombia、Nicaragua 及 Ethiopia)都記載著不同產地的咖啡故事;由咖啡豆品種、採摘及處理方法,到烘焙深度都各有不同,讓您即使身處家中或辦公室,味蕾也彷佛遊走於世界各地的風土人情之中! 為提供更多優質咖啡品味,「工藝之源」亦推出全新 Costa Rica 咖啡粉囊,現正限量發售!... 探索「工藝之源」 系列: [Master Origin – A Journey of Superior Tasting] Every capsule of Master Origin (India, Indonesia, Colombia, Nicaragua and Ethiopia) tells its own unique coffee story, from the variety and picking of coffee beans to their processing and roasting journey. We invite you to experience some of the world’s most beautiful customs in the flavours and aromas of your coffee cup. Master Origin is now carrying you to another captivating country through its new limited edition Costa Rica coffee capsule, available now with very limited quantities. Explore the Master Origin coffee range: #NespressoHK #MasterOrigin #WhatElse See more