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【加一點繽紛夏日滋味】 炎炎夏日,想足不出戶也能品嘗一杯冰涼透心的咖啡?跟著 Nespresso 食譜,   

【加一點繽紛夏日滋味】 炎炎夏日,想足不出戶也能品嘗一杯冰涼透心的咖啡?跟著 Nespresso 食譜,以洋溢果香、輕度烘焙的 Long Black over Ice 咖啡粉囊,加入有汽礦泉水及冰塊,輕鬆調製一杯 Sparkling Long Black over Ice,為今個夏日增添不一樣的澳洲香濃風情! Sparkling Long Black over Ice 簡易食譜:...

1)將 40 毫升有汽礦泉水倒入玻璃長杯
3)於杯中加入 4 塊冰塊,再沖調 Long Black over Ice
4)以青檸作裝飾後便可品嘗 立即探索全新 Nespresso Over Ice 咖啡系列: [Take a flavorsome break from the heat] Want to treat yourself with an icy refreshment as you step out of the summer sun? Cool off with Nespresso’s recipe below: a rich Long Black concoction featuring sparkling water, lime and sugar. Easy-to-follow Sparkling Long Black over Ice recipe:
1) Pour 40ml of sparkling water into a glass
2) Add white sugar to taste, and stir well
3) Drop in 4 ice cubes and stir in a fresh brew of Long Black over Ice
4) Garnish with lime Explore the full Nespresso Over Ice series now: #NespressoHK #WhatElse #AustralianSummer #LongBlackOverIce #IcedCoffee 展开