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【用心製造的「工藝之源」】 由咖啡大師用心設計的「工藝之源」, 以純熟技藝,將珍稀的咖啡豆化作極致罕有的芳濃特色,為您帶來頂級的咖啡享受。   

【用心製造的「工藝之源」】 由咖啡大師用心設計的「工藝之源」, 以純熟技藝,將珍稀的咖啡豆化作極致罕有的芳濃特色,為您帶來頂級的咖啡享受。每款口味都盛載著一個個守護匠心的香濃故事,除了全新限量版 Nicaragua La Cumplida Refinada 之外,也有其他經典口味讓您品嚐: India 濃烈而辛香,咖啡豆經季侯風多個月洗禮,味道強烈而質感濃稠,洋溢獨特木材與香料的芬芳⋯⋯

Indonesia 是咖啡農採用濕刨法的精妙之作,質感豐潤絲滑,口味濃郁而帶木香
Colombia 滿溢果酒與紅果芳香,源於高山地帶的哥倫比亞水洗咖啡豆
Ethiopia 使用經過日曬處理並以人手不斷翻動的咖啡豆,滿溢橙花清新香氣,讓您品嚐時彷如擁抱陽光
Nicaragua 的咖啡豆經過珍罕的黑蜜處,只有少數咖啡農會精心培植,每一口都能享受蜜糖般的幼滑質感 【Master Origins – Made With Care】 Designed by craftsmen with ultimate care, the Master Origins range transforms coffee beans into distinct flavours and memorable moments. Each sip is brimming with legacy, history and tradition. With the new limited-edition Nicaragua La Cumplida Refinada, there is a wealth of other options for your tastebuds to explore: The intense and spicy India is characterised by the monsoon winds and rains which swell and dry the bean repeatedly, developing a woody, savory taste. Indonesia is made from a wet-hulled Arabica in a race against the rain. This distinctive method produces its classic velvety, wildly aromatic and tobacco taste. Colombia uses only high-grown, washed Arabica. The taste is lively and fruity with a fresh burst of winey red fruit aromas. Ethiopia is continually turned by hand to ensure it dries evenly, requiring great care. This traditional sun-drying process adds a unique taste, rich, natural and aromatic. Nicaragua features a ‘black-honey’ processed Arabica, which most craftsmen dare not attempt. This gives the Nicaraguan Arabica its smooth honeyed texture and sweet cereal notes. #NespressoHK #MadeWithCare #MasterOrigins #WhatElse 查看更多