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【 舉杯團圓,迎春煥新 】 快將踏入農曆新年,大家都盼望棄舊迎新,為新開始作準備,就如每天以品嘗咖啡去迎接美好新一天一樣!   

【 舉杯團圓,迎春煥新 】 快將踏入農曆新年,大家都盼望棄舊迎新,為新開始作準備,就如每天以品嘗咖啡去迎接美好新一天一樣!所以 Nespresso 於這個迎春接福的好時節,為您準備了品質極緻的咖啡,讓您以最好狀態迎接來年每一天! Nespresso 將與您「舉杯團圓,迎春煥新」,陸續推出各種咖啡機優惠、春節創意食譜、限定節日咖啡粉囊套裝以及特色利是封,讓您與親朋好友於今個傳統節日,以全新香濃滋味一同慶賀,敬請密切期待!... [ Let’s raise a cup to new beginnings ] With the Lunar New Year looming, we look to leave the difficulties of last year behind and make a fresh start, just like how we brew a fresh cup of coffee each morning to welcome a new day. That's why, to celebrate the festival of luck and fortune, Nespresso have prepared world-class coffees so you can celebrate every new beginning this year brings in the best possible way. To raise a cup to new beginnings, Nespresso is introducing selected coffee machine promotions, creative coffee recipes, handpicked coffee assortments and limited edition red packets, so you can enjoy a traditional festival with a modern twist. Stay tuned! #Nespresso #NespressoHK #LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear #Festive #Gifting #WhatElse See more