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【全新佳節限定咖啡粉囊 耀目登場】   

【全新佳節限定咖啡粉囊 耀目登場】

準備好進入 #CasaNespresso 探索重重驚喜了嗎?
Nespresso 今年將意大利經典復刻,創出3款口味獨特的限量版 Variations Italia 系列咖啡,是今個佳節送給摯愛好友的香濃之選。 ☕ Il Caffè - 精選兩種咖啡豆混製而成,造出非一般 espresso 風味,高濃度且帶醇香,更散發烘烤麥片香味!... ☕ Torta Di Nocciole Flavour - 源自意式甜點,糅合雲呢拿和烘烤榛子香氣,製成配搭蛋糕的完美咖啡口味! ☕ Amaretti Flavour - 源於意式餅乾口味,完美平衡了杏仁的苦澀和雲呢拿的甜味,加上淡淡果香,令人一試難忘! 立即探索節日限定咖啡系列: [Festive & Limited Edition Flavours of Italy]
Welcome to #CasaNespresso. Come inside and experience the true Italian wonders. Nespresso has crafted three limited edition Variations Italia coffees to bring classic regional flavours to life. Share these indulgent gifts with your loved ones this festive season! ☕ Il Caffè – The extraordinarily intense taste of classic Italian espresso, made with a duo of carefully selected coffee beans to create a rich, velvety smoothness along with roasty, cereal aromas. ☕ Torta Di Nocciole Flavour – Feel the festive warmth of a coffee inspired by the traditional Italian cake. It blends notes of vanilla and toasted hazelnut to form a combination perfect for celebration. ☕ Amaretti Flavour – Inspired by the traditional Italian biscuit, it strikes a beautiful balance between the bitterness of almonds and sweetness of vanilla, with lingering cereal and zesty fruit notes that creates a delight to the senses. Explore the Festive limited edition coffees now: #Nespresso #NespressoHK #Festive #VariationsItalia #Gift #GiftIdeas #Christmas #ChristmasTime #CoffeeLover 展开