喜歡Percy又嗜甜絲絲的你,快來門市選購我們全新包裝的Percy小豬軟糖!包裝設計可愛,香甜果汁口味選擇繁多,而且口感煙韌彈牙,小朋友一定吃得樂此不疲。現凡購買食品及飲品淨值滿$200(包括最少一包Percy軟糖),即可免費獲贈限量Percy杯蓋一個*,不容錯過!✨ *先到先得,送完即止。... 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: Get a FREE* limited edition 🐷Percy cup cover upon net purchase over $200 on food and drink including at least one pack of Percy sweet. Drop by your nearest store today!✨ *First-come-first-served basis while stocks last. Follow our Instagram for the latest news from M&S: #MandSHK #MandSFood #Percy 展开
喜歡Percy又嗜甜絲絲的你,快來門市選購我們全新包裝的Percy小豬軟糖!包裝設計可愛,香甜果汁口味選擇繁多,而且口感煙韌彈牙,小朋友一定吃得樂此不疲。現凡購買食品及飲品淨值滿$200(包括最少一包Percy軟糖),即可免費獲贈限量Percy杯蓋一個*,不容錯過!✨ *先到先得,送完即止。... 緊貼M&S最新資訊,記得follow我們的Instagram: Get a FREE* limited edition 🐷Percy cup cover upon net purchase over $200 on food and drink including at least one pack of Percy sweet. Drop by your nearest store today!✨ *First-come-first-served basis while stocks last. Follow our Instagram for the latest news from M&S: #MandSHK #MandSFood #Percy 展开